Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Drama and Joy of Writing

Ok, so I admit it - I am a LAZY writer!!! Meaning I pretty much only write when I have a reason, or when I'm forced to! LOL! It's bad I know, but WHATEVAAAAAA!!!!

I like writing when I'm in the groove to do it. It's fun when you get an idea, start writing it and it so easily comes to life. Sometimes the life it creates was not even in your mind when you begin writing, but for some reason - it just comes out. The only word I can use to describe it is ORGANIC (that one's for you douchebag - you know who you are). Meaning, it comes very natural, it's almost a holy experience for me sometimes because I have no clue where it comes from - it just does.

So, what do I write about? COMEDY! That's the only thing I like and the only thing that's embedded in my brain. Why? I have no idea. How? I do not know - but I freggin LOVE IT!

So my advice (not like I'm qualified to even give advice), my advice is - write what YOU think is funny - not what you think others will think is funny. Once you start mixing other people's opinion, it becomes confused and well - dirty. I mean, it's no longer coming from that sacred place - your heart. Now, I don't mean to never take someone's advice - that's not it at all. What I mean is, STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF and you'll NEVER fail!

So my writing friends - WRITE ON!

Till next time Amigos!

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