Monday, March 8, 2010

I have been officially inspired by MONIQUE!

Ok, so after watching the Oscars last night - I woke up this morning, truly INSPIRED by my comedy sister - Ms. Monique!

She is well-known for her comedy yet she wins an award for her dramatic acting skillz! That's awesome! I suprisingly even prefer to see her do drama than comedy now!

I believe every comedian has a darkness inside of them, and when they are pushed to force this person outward and into reality thru a dramatic performance - The audience witnesses GREATNESS! And this is exactly what Monique has achieved. I am truly proud of her & yet extremely SCARED of her too! She did a great performance, but I'm left thinking - that character is VERY MUCH a piece of her her - and that's SCARY! She did awesome tho, no matter what!

As a comedic actress, I would love the opportunity to do something THAT far out there and dramatic - different from my comedy niche! Doing something that nobody would ever think I could achieve - would be awesome and hella-fun! I believe it will come, someday. But until then, I shall wait patiently for the arrival of my Mr. Perfect-Part!

One of my FAVORITE Characters...


An "AY QUE FUNNY" Production!
Directed by - ME! (Jesenia Bailey)
My hair was styled by my son (who's 7 yrs old).
for more AY QUE FUNNY skits, go to: