Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who am I (comedically)?

Hmmmm, that's a GREAT question. Well, I know who I am as a person, but what do I want to achieve comedically? I guess my answer would be - GREATNESS! I want to achieve greatness. I want to be different and create something out of the ordinary, or EXTRAORDINARY!!! I just don't want to do comedy, just to do it. I want to make it, I want to be it! I want to be a trend setter rather than just follow what ever the "new" comedy trend is. I want to open the doors for Latin women in comedy. Because we're funny damnit!!! I guess I want to do it all, perhaps because I know I'm born to do it.

I didn't always know that I was born to do comedy, I just never thought I was funny. I realized later in life that I was funny, I guess because I wasn't so worried about looking pretty all the time - I was more worried about being liked. As a child I was that way, I wanted everyone to like me - so I became the class clown. After graduating High School, I became SOUR and boring - I guess I just wanted to be pretty and accepted by the boys. But after being married for a few years, I got over that and just decided to embrace what was going on in my head - so I just started talking and spreading my thoughts and feelings on everything, and low and behold - there was the funny!

So, who am I comedically? I guess I am BLUNT, UNASHAMED, and NO HOLDS BARRED! I am real and always want to keep it that way. Also, I'm a little dirty as well! LOL!!! I sometimes have a really perverted way of seeing things and always tend to reveal them at all the wrong moments - like at work! (not a good idea, when you work for Germans with no sense of humor)

I'll be 33 yrs old this year and I'm embarking on a "NEW COMEDY ME"!!! I plan on changing things dramatically - staring with my self and the way I look. Yes, I guess you can call me a "SELL OUT", whatever, bottom line is - I want to work! And I figure my FIGURE needs to be more appealing to the "Industry eye". Basically turn on the white guy/CEO of a major television network, who will someday be signing my paychecks. So, on to my journey called "30 Blocks".

Why call it "30 Blocks" - well for starters, it's the amount of blocks that I'll be walking every day, it's the amount of weight I plan on loosing "30 lbs", and it's how old I wish I still was!!!! So pray for me, because here I go!!! The first day of my journey started on July 12, 2010! (and yes, I'm ready to quit!!!!) But I won't stop until I reach my goal!!!! Watch me now!