Thursday, July 15, 2010

Who am I (comedically)?

Hmmmm, that's a GREAT question. Well, I know who I am as a person, but what do I want to achieve comedically? I guess my answer would be - GREATNESS! I want to achieve greatness. I want to be different and create something out of the ordinary, or EXTRAORDINARY!!! I just don't want to do comedy, just to do it. I want to make it, I want to be it! I want to be a trend setter rather than just follow what ever the "new" comedy trend is. I want to open the doors for Latin women in comedy. Because we're funny damnit!!! I guess I want to do it all, perhaps because I know I'm born to do it.

I didn't always know that I was born to do comedy, I just never thought I was funny. I realized later in life that I was funny, I guess because I wasn't so worried about looking pretty all the time - I was more worried about being liked. As a child I was that way, I wanted everyone to like me - so I became the class clown. After graduating High School, I became SOUR and boring - I guess I just wanted to be pretty and accepted by the boys. But after being married for a few years, I got over that and just decided to embrace what was going on in my head - so I just started talking and spreading my thoughts and feelings on everything, and low and behold - there was the funny!

So, who am I comedically? I guess I am BLUNT, UNASHAMED, and NO HOLDS BARRED! I am real and always want to keep it that way. Also, I'm a little dirty as well! LOL!!! I sometimes have a really perverted way of seeing things and always tend to reveal them at all the wrong moments - like at work! (not a good idea, when you work for Germans with no sense of humor)

I'll be 33 yrs old this year and I'm embarking on a "NEW COMEDY ME"!!! I plan on changing things dramatically - staring with my self and the way I look. Yes, I guess you can call me a "SELL OUT", whatever, bottom line is - I want to work! And I figure my FIGURE needs to be more appealing to the "Industry eye". Basically turn on the white guy/CEO of a major television network, who will someday be signing my paychecks. So, on to my journey called "30 Blocks".

Why call it "30 Blocks" - well for starters, it's the amount of blocks that I'll be walking every day, it's the amount of weight I plan on loosing "30 lbs", and it's how old I wish I still was!!!! So pray for me, because here I go!!! The first day of my journey started on July 12, 2010! (and yes, I'm ready to quit!!!!) But I won't stop until I reach my goal!!!! Watch me now!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I have been officially inspired by MONIQUE!

Ok, so after watching the Oscars last night - I woke up this morning, truly INSPIRED by my comedy sister - Ms. Monique!

She is well-known for her comedy yet she wins an award for her dramatic acting skillz! That's awesome! I suprisingly even prefer to see her do drama than comedy now!

I believe every comedian has a darkness inside of them, and when they are pushed to force this person outward and into reality thru a dramatic performance - The audience witnesses GREATNESS! And this is exactly what Monique has achieved. I am truly proud of her & yet extremely SCARED of her too! She did a great performance, but I'm left thinking - that character is VERY MUCH a piece of her her - and that's SCARY! She did awesome tho, no matter what!

As a comedic actress, I would love the opportunity to do something THAT far out there and dramatic - different from my comedy niche! Doing something that nobody would ever think I could achieve - would be awesome and hella-fun! I believe it will come, someday. But until then, I shall wait patiently for the arrival of my Mr. Perfect-Part!

One of my FAVORITE Characters...


An "AY QUE FUNNY" Production!
Directed by - ME! (Jesenia Bailey)
My hair was styled by my son (who's 7 yrs old).
for more AY QUE FUNNY skits, go to:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Comedic Inspiration

Yes, believe it or not - Chris Farley is my comedic inspiration.

Well, because he's a complete physical comedy genious! And physical comedy is my thang! Like the greats: Lucielle Ball, Jim Carrey, Jackie Gleason - Chris Farley had the entire package! He was warm, inviting, familiar, funny, physical, sweaty, daring and perfectly precise with his timing! Unfortunately, due to Chris Farley's untimely death in 1997, I will never have the pleasure of meeting him in person - but in a small way, I feel that I know him - I mean, I feel very close to him because I love what he loved - COMEDY, and the art of making funnies!

I have this comedy performance off work, stay home, sleep, eat and watch Chris Farley till about 3 hours before showtime - then bathe, get gawgeous and with a blank and open mind - get on that stage and try my best to impress and do Chris Farley justice! Because I consider him my mentor - I feel like everytime I get on stage, I must make him proud!

And so Chris Farley, my comedic brother - I say: "Till we meet in heaven! Save me a spot on that stage because when I get to heaven, I plan on joining you and making Jesus laugh till he wets his pants!!!"

May God Bless You and Keep You Close!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Drama and Joy of Writing

Ok, so I admit it - I am a LAZY writer!!! Meaning I pretty much only write when I have a reason, or when I'm forced to! LOL! It's bad I know, but WHATEVAAAAAA!!!!

I like writing when I'm in the groove to do it. It's fun when you get an idea, start writing it and it so easily comes to life. Sometimes the life it creates was not even in your mind when you begin writing, but for some reason - it just comes out. The only word I can use to describe it is ORGANIC (that one's for you douchebag - you know who you are). Meaning, it comes very natural, it's almost a holy experience for me sometimes because I have no clue where it comes from - it just does.

So, what do I write about? COMEDY! That's the only thing I like and the only thing that's embedded in my brain. Why? I have no idea. How? I do not know - but I freggin LOVE IT!

So my advice (not like I'm qualified to even give advice), my advice is - write what YOU think is funny - not what you think others will think is funny. Once you start mixing other people's opinion, it becomes confused and well - dirty. I mean, it's no longer coming from that sacred place - your heart. Now, I don't mean to never take someone's advice - that's not it at all. What I mean is, STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF and you'll NEVER fail!

So my writing friends - WRITE ON!

Till next time Amigos!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My story....

Hello Blogging World!

Don't know how this really works, or if anyone will actually read this, but here goes. I guess I can start off by telling my comedy story and how I got into this business.

First, let me introduce myself - I'm a wife and a mother and a Latina who LOVES COMEDY!!!! Physical Comedy - to be exact!

I got this passion for comedy about 6 years ago. I was working in a REALLY depressing HIV/AIDS office and my release from all the depression was to visit my coworkers offices thruought the day to "cheer them up" with my jokes & stories. I love telling stories. Well, one bright and shiny day, I was craking jokes in my supervisors office with a new employee & she said something that would influence my passion for the laughs. She said "Wow, you are so funny - You should be a comedian". Well, I know every comedian hears that, but why this meant so much? Well, she didnt know me, she didnt know my humor, or anything about me. I always felt that people laughed at my jokes because they knew me, so they always had the "inside joke". But she didn't, and that's what sparked something in my mind. I thought, "Hey, maybe she's right!". So, I went out on a limb and started doing stand-up!

Stand-up is GREAT! I am miraculously good every time I perform, although I feel like I'm having a heart attack right before going on the stage. But I still continue to do it - not very often tho, in fear of actually dying someday.

I've always looked to join a comedy or improv group - but never found one I thought was "good". What do I think is good, well putting it simply - good = FUNNY! So, I did alot of theater (mostly comedic). I did a few films (mostly dramatic). Go figure! Then I got approached by this douchebag, who again sparked something in my mind and gave me the idea of taking MY love for comedy and promoting it my way - with my OWN show! So, although that woman was a horrible experience, I appreciate her because she opened that door in my brain.

So, thru that feminine hygiene product of a woman - I was was introduced to a very AWESOME PERSON, who I like to call "my partner in crime". This lady has been my saving grace in so many ways. She inspires me, she keeps me grounded and she has, for some reason, dedicated her time and her talents to helping me realize my comedy dreams and achieve my comedic goals! And NO - we are not LESBIANAS - we are two girls who happened to team up in this crazy comedy world, we are partners in this really NUTS-O industry. Get your mind out the gutter! ;O)

And now we have our own show! Yes, ME - Jesenia Bailey - and "my partner in crime" - Crystal Roman!!! And WE do a damn great job at it too! It's hard being a LATINA in the COMEDY circuit. Most of the time they don't take us serious or they automatically think we SUCK - until they see us perform of course!

It's a learning process, but at this point I'm a SPONGE - just eager to learn more and become BETTER at what I love to do - make people LAUGH! It's all about promoting Latinos thru sketch comedy. How wonderful to create and collaborate with Latinos in this industry. Not many are willing to collaborate (cuz they be ego trippin), but there are alot who are willing to collaborate in the journey of putting LATINO COMEDY on the map in the hopes of someday of being respected in the industry. Now, "Latino Comedy" dosen't just mean latin jokes, NOPE - it means comedy that's coming out of our minds, our bodies and our mouths! Latinos are the funniest culture I know (cuz I am one) - and it's damn time that we let the WORLD see it, hear it, experience it!

So, here I go......I'm on my journey. Who's with me? :O)